

New Ranking Algorithm Separates Digital Wheat from Chaff

The ranking algorithm called SPEAR (SPamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking), developed by PhD candidates Ching Man Au Yeung of the University of Southampton and Michael G. Noll of Hasso Plattner Institute, uses mutual reinforcement and time stamps to identify expert contributors to social bookmarking sites and their recommended content.

Cloud Computing Spurs New Encryption Solutions

University of Washington researchers’ announcement that they had created an encryption scheme called Vanish captured a lot of attention for its elegant simplicity, but two more arcane developments—presented at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Crypto in the Clouds Workshop on the security challenges of cloud computing—promise more fundamental changes in applied cryptography.

Award-Winning Paper Reveals Key to Netflix Prize

When the organizers of the Netflix Prize contest announced late last week that one team had met the requirement for the $1 million Grand Prize, Yehuda Koren, a member of the seven-person multinational team, was in Paris to present a paper at KDD-09, the 15th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. The ideas he laid out won the conference's Best Paper Award — and, not coincidentally, had much to do with reaching the contest's target of improving the accuracy of Netflix movie recommendations by 10 percent.

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