There is still a significant number of people in the United States who do not own a computer or have home Internet access.
Laura DiDio
"Inspiring," "visionary," "humble," "honest," "impeccable integrity," "passionate and stubborn about his work." Tributes poured in for Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse and an Internet pioneer, following his death from kidney failure July 2.
Are Schools Getting Enough Bang For Their Technology Buck?
Public schools in the United States have a lot to learn about integrating technology into education.
Indiana niversity Launches Data Capacitor Ii
Indiana University's new five-petabyte Data Capacitor "will accommodate our storage requirements for a while."
Battery Backups Can Lower Datacenter Energy Costs
Researchers at Penn State say that datacenters can cut up to 40 percent off their energy costs by provisioning UPS battery backup devices to meet peak energy requirements that may never occur.
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