Research and Advances

Algorithm 414: Chebyshev approximation of continuous functions by a Chebyshev system of functions

The second algorithm of Remez can be used to compute the minimax approximation to a function, ƒ(x), by a linear combination of functions, {Qi(x)}n0, which form a Chebyshev system. The only restriction on the function to be approximated is that it be continuous on a finite interval [a,b]. An Algol 60 procedure is given, which will accomplish the approximation. This implementation of the second algorithm of Remez is quite general in that the continuity of ƒ(x) is all that is required whereas previous implementations have required differentiability, that the end points of the interval be “critical points,” and that the number of “critical points” be exactly n + 2. Discussion of the method used and of its numerical properties is given as well as some computational examples of the use of the algorithm. The use of orthogonal polynomials (which change at each iteration) as the Chebyshev system is also discussed.


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Research and Advances

The use of interactive graphics to solve numerical problems

With the advent of on-line (time-sharing) computer systems and graphic terminals, we have available a new dimension in numerical problem solving capabilities. Rather than simply use the new power to achieve fast turnaround, we can develop interactive routines which are easy to use and also take advantage of the insight and visual capabilities of the human problem solver. Several on-line systems for general purpose mathematical problem solving have already been implemented as well as some special purpose systems for solving problems in a particular area such as ordinary differential equations. The advantage of restricting the problem area is that the interface with a user can be greatly simplified. In this paper we discuss some of the advantages accrued by such systems and design considerations for interactive routines. Furthermore, an implmentation of an on-line least squares data-fitting program, PEG, is presented with results obtained from empirical data. In conclusion, areas for future work in this field are discussed.

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