Research and Advances

Anomalous behavior of the fifty-percent rule in dynamic memory allocation

This paper reports simulation data showing that, in dynamic memory allocation, the average free-to-allocated-block ratio can differ considerably and in both directions from the predictions of the 50 percent rule. A new derivation is given, and it is shown that previous derivations make an assumption that may be violated frequently. On the basis of the simulation data and the derivation, it is hypothesized that the anomalous behavior results from the combined effects of systematic placement and the statistics of the release process. Additional simulations support this hypothesis. Systematic placement, which refers to the natural convention of always allocating storage requests against the same end of the free block selected by the allocation strategy, tends to order blocks within contiguous groups according to their allocation time. The degree of anomalous behavior depends on the extent to which allocated blocks are released in the order of their allocation. For non-Markovian release processes, the extent of the correlation between allocation order and release order varies approximately inversely with the coefficient of variation of the memory residence time distribution. The simulations show that allocation efficiency depends strongly on the residence time distribution; efficiency decreases as the distribution's coefficient of variation increases. Some practical implications are briefly discussed.


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Research and Advances

On the external storage fragmentation produced by first-fit and best-fit allocation strategies

Published comparisons of the external fragmentation produced by first-fit and best-fit memory allocation have not been consistent. Through simulation, a series of experiments were performed in order to obtain better data on the relative performance of first-fit and best-fit and a better understanding of the reasons underlying observed differences. The time-memory-product efficiencies of first-fit and best-fit were generally within 1 to 3 percent of each other. Except for small populations, the size of the request population had little effect on allocation efficiency. For exponential and hyperexponential distributions of requests, first-fit outperformed best-fit; but for normal and uniform distributions, and for exponential distributions distorted in various ways, best-fit out-performed first-fit. It is hypothesized that when first-fit outperforms best-fit, it does so because first-fit, by preferentially allocating toward one end of memory, encourages large blocks to grow at the other end. Sufficient contiguous space is thereby more likely to be available for relatively large requests. Results of simulation experiments supported this hypothesis and showed that the relative performance of first-fit and best-fit depends on the frequency of requests that are large compared to the average request. When the coefficient of variation of the request distribution is greater than or approximately equal to unity, first-fit outperformed best-fit.

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