Research and Advances

The cube-connected cycles: a versatile network for parallel computation

An interconnection pattern of processing elements, the cube-connected cycles (CCC), is introduced which can be used as a general purpose parallel processor. Because its design complies with present technological constraints, the CCC can also be used in the layout of many specialized large scale integrated circuits (VLSI). By combining the principles of parallelism and pipelining, the CCC can emulate the cube-connected machine and the shuffle-exchange network with no significant degradation of performance but with a more compact structure. We describe in detail how to program the CCC for efficiently solving a large class of problems that include Fast Fourier transform, sorting, permutations, and derived algorithms.


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Research and Advances

A unifying look at data structures

Examples of fruitful interaction between geometrical combinatorics and the design and analysis of algorithms are presented. A demonstration is given of the way in which a simple geometrical construction yields new and efficient algorithms for various searching and list manipulation problems.
Research and Advances

Inductive methods for proving properties of programs

There are two main purposes in this paper: first, clarification and extension of known results about computation of recursive programs, with emphasis on the difference between the theoretical and practical approaches; second, presentation and examination of various known methods for proving properties of recursive programs. Discussed in detail are two powerful inductive methods, computational induction and structural induction, including examples of their applications.
Research and Advances

Fixpoint approach to the theory of computation

Following the fixpoint theory of Scott, the semantics of computer programs are defined in terms of the least fixpoints of recursive programs. This allows not only the justification of all existing verification techniques, but also their extension to the handling, in a uniform manner of various properties of computer programs, including correctness, termination, and equivalence.

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