
Author Archives

Research and Advances

Threaded code

The concept of “threaded code” is presented as an alternative to machine language code. Hardware and software realizations of it are given. In software it is realized as interpretive code not needing an interpreter. Extensions and optimizations are mentioned.
Research and Advances

The linear quotient hash code

A new method of hash coding is presented and is shown to possess desirable attributes. Specifically, the algorithm is simple, efficient, and exhaustive, while needing little time per probe and using few probes per lookup. Performance data and implementation hints are also given.
Research and Advances

A new method for determining linear precedence functions for precedence grammars

The precedence relations of a precedence grammar can be precisely described by a two-dimensional precedence matrix. Often the information in the matrix can be represented more concisely by a pair of vectors, called linear precedence functions. A new algorithm is presented for obtaining the linear precedence functions when given the precedence matrix; this algorithm is shown to possess several computational adavantages.

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