
Author Archives

Research and Advances

Occupational stress, attitudes, and health problems in the information systems professional

This study examines occupational stress among information systems personnel. A self-report stress and health behavior instrument was completed by 580 respondents in 18 large corporations in the midwestern and southwestern sections of the United States. The data indicate that various job factors are perceived as stressful by respondents. However, the stress levels reported by respondents are not as excessive as have been found in studies of other occupational groups.
Research and Advances

A strategic planning methodology for the computing effort in higher education: an empirical evaluation

The findings of a study designed to address the pressing problems associated with the strategic planning of the computing effort in higher education are presented here. A planning methodology was developed and tested through implementation at a university. Two years after the methodology was implemented, the effectiveness of the planning methodology was assessed in terms of the improvement of the delivery of computing services to the major institutional roles of instruction, research, and administration. Two control institutions were employed to contrast the improvements at the test institution. The results of the research indicate the planning methodology significantly enhanced the delivery of computing services.

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