If you go to a startup, make sure you go for the right reasons.
Greg Linden
If you find reading research papers unpleasant, difficult, and boring, maybe it is time to try doing it differently.
What To Do With Those Idle Cores?
So many processors on our desktops. Four cores, eight cores, soon we will see hundreds of cores. Almost all of them are going to be idle most of the time. If it is nearly free to use those idle cores, what work could we find for them that might be worthwhile?
What Is a Good Recommendation Algorithm?
Someone may win the one million dollar Netflix Prize soon. Will the winning algorithm produce movie recommendations that people like?
Who Captures Value in a Global Innovation Network?: The Case of Apple's iPod
Innovation is often touted as a key driver of economic growth. However, when firms operate within production and innovation networks that span national and firm boundaries, the question arises as to who actually benefits from innovation.
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