Research and Advances

A queuing model of a multiprogrammed computer with a two-level storage system

The results are presented of an analysis of a probabilistic model of a multiprogrammed computer system with a two-level storage system in which there is sequential dependency of accesses between the devices. Expressions are obtained for the long-run probability that both the CPU and each of the storage devices are busy. Some numerical results are given which quantify the gains in CPU utilization obtainable by multiprogramming in the presence of this type of storage system.


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Research and Advances

A model of memory contention in a paging machine

This paper is concerned with certain aspects of contention for main memory resources in a multiprogrammed computer system operating under demand paging. In the model presented, the number of page-frames of main memory allocated to a problem program varies in time. These changes in memory configuration are represented explicitly in the model, CPU requirements and page exception characteristics of program material being described statistically. Expressions for the distribution of the number of page-frames allocated to an executing program, the long run expected fraction of a program's execution time in a given number of page-frames, and the average execution interval of the multi-programmed load are obtained. It is pointed out heuristically and demonstrated numerically that an increase is obtainable in the average execution interval of the multiprogrammed load over that resulting from equal fixed partitioning of main memory.
Research and Advances

An anomaly in space-time characteristics of certain programs running in a paging machine

The running time of programs in a paging machine generally increases as the store in which programs are constrained to run decreases. Experiment, however, have revealed cases in which the reverse is true: a decrease in the size of the store is accompanied by a decrease in running time. An informal discussion of the anomalous behavior is given, and for the case of the FIFO replacement algorithm a formal treatment is presented.

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