Research and Advances

Volumetric Heart Modeling and Analysis

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the Western world and consequently the study of normal and pathological heart behavior is an active research area. In particular, the study of the shape and motion of the heart is important because many heart diseases are strongly correlated to these two factors. The human heart is composed of two separate pumps: a right heart that pumps the blood through the lungs and a left heart that pumps the blood through the peripheral organs. In turn, each of these "hearts" is a two-chamber pump composed of an atrium and a ventricle. Special mechanisms in the heart provide cardiac rhythm and transmit action potentials throughout the heart muscle to cause the heart's rhythmic relaxation (diastole) and contraction (systole).


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Research and Advances


Medical image analysis and modeling are essential to many fields of medicine, including radiology, surgery, and medical education. Traditionally, doctors have based their practice on 2D images, such as those produced from scanners and microscopes. This limits them from accurately seeing and understanding the 3D organ structure and function that is often crucial for the timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment of disease. The significant increase in computing power in recent years has allowed the development of powerful new 3D image analysis and visualization algorithms that promise to change the way medicine is practiced. The ability to visualize a body's internal structures and functions in 3D will allow doctors to improve their current practice and may lead to the discovery of new knowledge.

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