David Geer | Commissioned by CACM Staff
Author Archives
Fending off Cyberattacks on Collaborative Robots
Hackers leverage IoT, IIoT vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to cobots.
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Candidate Cracked
It took researchers in Belgium just an hour to crack the SIKE cryptographic algorithm.
Biometric markers are increasingly popular targets of data theft, potentially endangering far more than your locally stored information.
Anticipating the War’s Direction
Is the U.S. at risk of Russian cyberattacks related to Ukraine?
BlackByte Ransomware Bites Critical Infrastructure, the San Francisco 49ers
One ransomware attack struck a professional football team as competitors were preparing for the Super Bowl.
A Source of Security Challenges for Years to Come
Cybersecurity experts agree the recently uncovered Log4Shell software vulnerability is the most dangerous on record.
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