

Human or Machine?

We wish to clarify an account of the 2014 Turing Test experiment we conducted at the Royal Society London, U.K., as outlined by Moshe Y. Vardi in his Editor's Letter "Would Turing Have Passed the Turing Test?" (Sept. 2014).

Make Abstracts Communicate Results

ACM should make its publications communicate more effectively by insisting abstracts include a summary of results and key concepts, communicating important information even when readers skip or skim the rest.

Software Engineering, Like Electrical Engineering

Though I agree with the opening lines of "A New Software Engineering" (Dec. 2014) outlining the "promise of rigorous, disciplined, professional practices," we must also look at "craft" in software engineering if we hope to raise the profession to the status of, say, electrical or chemical engineering.

Toward a Map Interface Not Inherently Related to Geography

"Reading News with Maps by Exploiting Spatial Synonyms" (Oct. 2014) was an impressive and informative description of how a map-query interface should work. I am not sure if the authors intend to broaden their scope to include even perhaps non-geographically related information but hope they do.

ACM’s FY14 Annual Report

This is an extraordinary time to be part of the world's largest educational and scientific society in computing. Membership is at a record high, ACM continues to expand its global reach, and ACM's position at the forefront of computer science education has never been more prominent.

On the Significance of Turing’s Test

Contrary to what the first sentence of Alan Turing's 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" might suggest, the paper was not about the question "Can machines think?"

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