

Try Old Boys Security Network

Trade and professional journals tell us how to achieve information security solutions, but such advice is not supported by experience. The confidentiality needed to achieve security greatly inhibits valid research and adequate preparation.

ACM Fellows Inducted

ACM has recognized 52 of its members for their contributions to computing that are fundamentally advancing technology in healthcare, cybersecurity, science, communications, entertainment, business, and education.   

Computer Science Is Not a Science

To the question Vinton G. Cerf addressed in his President's Letter "Where Is the Science in Computer Science?" (Oct. 2012), my first answer would be that there isn't any. A true science like physics or chemistry studies some aspect of physical reality.

Why Open Access?

Concerning the proposed Research Works Act, introduced in the U.S. Congress in 2011, Moshe Y. Vardi's "Editor's Letter" "Why ACM?" (Sept. 2012) left me a little confused as to Vardi's own position on both the law and open access.

When Predicting, Start With Humility

In "Don't Feel Bad If You Can't Predict the Future," Peter J. Denning wrote: "Make sure your models are validated and that their assumed recurrences fit the world you are forecasting. Ground your speculations in observable data . . ." Hmm. Who validates the models?

Shape the Future of Computing

ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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