

ACM’s FY13 Annual Report

FY'13 was an exceptional year for ACM. Membership reached a record high for the 11th consecutive year, solidifying ACM's lead as the world's largest educational and scientific society in computing.

Microprocessor Architectures Follow Markets and Silicon

"The Value of Microprocessor Designs" (Feb. 2013) aimed to analyze the value of microarchitectures in isolation, as though they could be mixed-and-matched with various silicon implementation technologies over the years. This is a nonsensical proposition.

Deep Accountability, Beyond Even Liability

I am a Colorado licensed professional engineer whose area of practice is software and who found no cause for disagreement with the first half of Vinton G. Cerf's "From the President" editorial (July 2013). The second half was another matter.

Is Computing Science?

Peter J. Denning's "The Science in Computer Science" (May 2013) explored the ongoing dispute over scientific boundaries within computer science. However, the boundaries separating the sciences, and knowledge in general, have never been clear and definite.

Shape the Future of Computing

ACM encourages its members to take a direct hand in shaping the future of the association. There are more ways than ever to get involved.

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