
Author Archives

Research and Advances

Laws of programming

A complete set of algebraic laws is given for Dijkstra's nondeterministic sequential programming language. Iteration and recursion are explained in terms of Scott's domain theory as fixed points of continuous functionals. A calculus analogous to weakest preconditions is suggested as an aid to deriving programs from their specifications.
Research and Advances

Communicating sequential processes

This paper suggests that input and output are basic primitives of programming and that parallel composition of communicating sequential processes is a fundamental program structuring method. When combined with a development of Dijkstra's guarded command, these concepts are surprisingly versatile. Their use is illustrated by sample solutions of a variety of familiar programming exercises.
Research and Advances

An axiomatic basis for computer programming

In this paper an attempt is made to explore the logical foundations of computer programming by use of techniques which were first applied in the study of geometry and have later been extended to other branches of mathematics. This involves the elucidation of sets of axioms and rules of inference which can be used in proofs of the properties of computer programs. Examples are given of such axioms and rules, and a formal proof of a simple theorem is displayed. Finally, it is argued that important advantages, both theoretical and practical, may follow from a pursuance of these topics.
Research and Advances

Communicating sequential processes

This paper suggests that input and output are basic primitives of programming and that parallel composition of communicating sequential processes is a fundamental program structuring method. When combined with a development of Dijkstra's guarded command, these concepts are surprisingly versatile. Their use is illustrated by sample solutions of a variety of a familiar programming exercises.
Research and Advances

Matrix reduction—an efficient method

The paper describes an efficient method for reduction of the binary matrices which arise in some school time-tabling problems. It is a development of that described by John Lions. It has been generalized and adapted to fit into the complete timetabling process; to use a more compact data representation and more efficient processing techniques; to take fuller advantage of possible available previous knowledge about the matrix. And it is designed as a structured program, which can readily be coded by the reader in the high level or low level programming language of his choice. Practical tests of the method have shown it to be a good basis for a realistic timetabling algorithm.
Research and Advances

Monitors: an operating system structuring concept

This paper develops Brinch-Hansen's concept of a monitor as a method of structuring an operating system. It introduces a form of synchronization, describes a possible method of implementation in terms of semaphores and gives a suitable proof rule. Illustrative examples include a single resource scheduler, a bounded buffer, an alarm clock, a buffer pool, a disk head optimizer, and a version of the problem of readers and writers.
Research and Advances

Proof of a program: FIND

A proof is given of the correctness of the algorithm “Find.” First, an informal description is given of the purpose of the program and the method used. A systematic technique is described for constructing the program proof during the process of coding it, in such a way as to prevent the intrusion of logical errors. The proof of termination is treated as a separate exercise. Finally, some conclusions relating to general programming methodology are drawn.

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