
Author Archives

Research and Advances

Scanned-display computer graphics

A television-like scanned-display system has been successfully implemented on a Honeywell DDP-224 computer installation. The scanned image is stored in the core memory of the computer, and software scan conversion is used to convert the rectangular coordinates of a point to the appropriate word and bit in an output display array in core storage. Results thus far indicate that flicker-free displays of large amounts of data are possible with reasonably fast graphical interaction. A scanned image of size 240 X 254 points is displayed at a 30 frame-per-second rate.
Research and Advances

A computer technique for displaying n-dimensional hyperobjects

A digital computer and automatic plotter have been used to generate three-dimensional stereoscopic movies of the three-dimensional parallel and perspective projections of four-dimensional hyperobjects rotating in four-dimensional space. The observed projections and their motions were a direct extension of three-dimensional experience, but no profound "feeling" or insight into the fourth spatial dimension was obtained. The technique can be generalized to n-dimensions and applied to any n-dimensional hyperobject or hypersurface.

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