
Author Archives

Research and Advances

A new policy for algorithms?

Debate is under way concerning the Algorithms section of the Communications. Specifically, there is considerable sentiment in favor of also publishing algorithms in languages other than ALGOL.
Research and Advances

A format language

One of the most primitive parts of a formula language is its specification of input-output actions within the framework of the language. While the specification is intrinsically more complex, say, than the evaluation of an arithmetic expression, most of the difficulties associated with input-output specification arise from the fact that the desired operations have not been properly defined using the framework of a programming language. Indeed, the complexity largely disappears when a programming language is constructed to specify input-output actions. The point to be made here is that the definition of an appropriate programming language makes more rational and simpler all three phases of the input-output programming cycle: (i) source program construction, (ii) object program construction, (iii) object program execution.

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