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Using GitHub CoPilot is Like Having a Superpower

With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and tools like GitHub CoPilot, I think we’re a step closer towards a world where software can be created by anyone. In fact, my colleague Brad Myers, who has investigated end-user programming for decades, believes that CoPilot is the biggest change to programming since Google search. I think this may be understating things. We’re going to see a wave of new kinds of software programming tools based on LLMs, and they will be transformative in how developers build and evaluate computer systems.  

Superhero Secret Identities Aren’t Possible with Today’s Computing Technologies

In comic books, most superheroes have a secret identity, usually to protect their friends and family from retribution. However, today’s computer technology would make it impossible for a superhero to maintain their secret identity. We look at a wide range of surveillance and tracking technologies, which have major implications for privacy and civil rights today.

What Should be Done About Facebook?

The recent release of the Facebook papers by a whistleblower has confirmed that leaders at the company have long known about problems facilitated by their social media, including disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, depression, and more. There's been a lot of talk about regulators stepping in. What kinds of questions, insights, or advice might our community offer these regulators?

Why is Privacy So Hard?

Why is privacy so hard? Why is it, after so much negative press about it, are we still being constantly tracked on the web and on our smartphones? Why is it, after so many years of bad incidents and high profile data breaches, has the problem of privacy not yet been solved? I sketch out 11 reasons why we are failing at privacy.

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