Research and Advances

Education: A general-purpose display processing and tutorial system


ADEPT (A Display-Expedited Processing and Tutorial) system is described. This system was designed to improve man-computer communications by employing a display unit to interleave tutoring with other computer operations such as simulation, programming, and information retrieval. It is written in FORTRAN IV (G) for the IBM System/360, Model 40, and the IBM 2250 Display Unit under Operating System/360. ADEPT is a cataloged program that controls the standard operating system by terminating and rescheduling itself automatically, relinquishing computer resources allocated to it, and surrendering control to the operating system to perform other jobs. It expands the power and flexibility of computer-assisted instruction by making immediately available to students, teachers, and other users, the full resources (system-cataloged programs) of the operating system. Language processors and compilers, simulation models, mathematical solution techniques, stored data, and all other library and user programs can be incorporated into instructional material without reprogramming. Illustrations of the various applications are presented and their implications are discussed. 0

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