Privacy maintenance and control is a social value deeply embedded in our societies. A global survey found that 88% of people are worried about who has access to their data; over 80% expect governments to regulate privacy and impose penalties on companies that do not use data responsibly. But privacy regulation is not easy. The Internet’s current economics as well as national security management benefit from the collection and use of rich user profiles. Technology constantly changes. And data is like water: it flows and ripples in ways that are difficult to predict. As a result, even a well-conceived, general, and sustainable privacy regulation, such as the European Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, struggles to ensure its effectiveness. Companies regularly test legal boundaries and many risk sanctions for privacy breaches to avoid constraining their business.
Against this background, the European Commission and other regulatory bodies are looking for a more effective, system- and context-specific balance between citizens’ privacy rights and the data needs of companies and governments. The apparent solution proposed by regulators now, but barely specified, is Privacy by Design (PbD). At first sight, the powerful term seems to suggest we simply need to take a few Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and add a good dose of security, thereby creating a fault-proof systems’ landscape for the future. But the reality is much more challenging. According to Ann Cavoukian, the Ontario information and privacy commissioner who first coined the term, PbD stands for a proactive integration of technical privacy principles in a system’s design (such as privacy default settings or end-to-end security of personal data) and the recognition of privacy in a company’s risk management processes.1 PbD can thus be defined as "an engineering and strategic management approach that commits to selectively and sustainably minimize information systems’ privacy risks through technical and governance controls."
However, a core challenge for PbD is to get organizations’ management involved in the privacy strategy. Management’s active involvement in the corporate privacy strategy is key because personal data is the asset at the heart of many companies’ business models today. High privacy standards can restrict the collection and use of data for further analysis, limit strategic options, and impact a firm’s bottom line. Consider advertising revenues boosted by behavioral targeting practices and peoples’ presence on social networking sites: without personal data, such services are unthinkable. PbD proponents hardly embrace these economic facts in their reasoning. In contrast, they take a threat perspective arguing that low privacy standards can provoke media backlash and lead to costly legal trials around privacy breaches. And indeed, distrust caused by privacy breaches is probably the only real blemish on the image of technology companies such as Google or Facebook. Brands are a precious company asset, the most difficult to build and the most costly to maintain. Hence, brand managers should be keen to avoid privacy risks. Equally, recent data breach scandals have forced CEOs to quit.
Managing personal data means optimizing its strategic use, quality, and long-term availability.
Despite these developments, many managers still do not understand that a sustainable strategy for one of their company’s core assets—personal data—requires them to actively manage this asset. Managing personal data means optimizing its strategic use, quality, and long-term availability. Unfortunately, few of today’s managers want to take on this new challenge. Instead, they derive what they can from the information bits they get and leave the privacy issue as a nuisance that is better left to be fixed by their lawyers.
But even if managers took up the privacy challenge and incorporated the active governance of personal data into their companies’ strategic asset management, they would not be able to determine the right strategy without their IT departments: PbD requires the guts and ingenuity of engineers. As the term implies, the design of systems needs to be altered or focused to technically embrace the protection of peoples’ data. Consequently, privacy must be on engineers’ requirements radar from the start of a new IT project. It needs to enter the system development life cycle at such an early point that architectural decisions around data processing, transfer, and storage can still be made. Managers and engineers (as well as other potential stakeholders) need to assess the privacy risks they are willing to take and jointly decide on technical and governance controls for those risks they are not willing to bear.
Privacy by Design Challenges
Even when both managers and engineers are committed to PbD, more challenges must be overcome:
- Privacy is a fuzzy concept and is thus difficult to protect. We need to come to terms on what it is we want to protect. Moreover, conceptually and methodologically, privacy is often confounded with security. We need to start distinguishing security from privacy to know what to address with what means.
- No agreed-upon methodology supports the systematic engineering of privacy into systems. System development life cycles rarely leave room for privacy considerations.
- Little knowledge exists about the tangible and intangible benefits and risks associated with companies’ privacy practices.
How can these challenges be overcome? A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Framework recently created for RFID technology (see http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/rfid/pia/index_en.htm) has been called a "landmark for PbD" because it offers some answers: The PIA Framework suggests concrete privacy goals and describes a method to reach them. Pragmatically, it recommends that organizations use the specific legislative privacy principles of their region or sector or the OECD Privacy guidelines as a starting point to determine privacy protection goals. In Europe, for example, the European Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC or its successor should be taken. It includes the following privacy goals:
- Safeguarding personal data quality through data avoidance, purpose-specific processing, and transparency vis-à-vis data subjects.
- Ensuring the legitimacy of personal and sensitive data processing.
- Complying with data subjects’ right to be informed, to object to the processing of their data, and to access, correct, and erase personal data.
- Ensuring confidentiality and security of personal data.
Security and privacy in this view are clearly distinguished. Security means the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data are ensured. From a data protection perspective security is one of several means to ensure privacy. A good PbD is unthinkable without a good Security by Design plan. The two approaches are in a "positive sum" relationship. That said, privacy is about the scarcity of personal data creation and the maximization of individuals’ control over their personal data. As a result, some worry that PbD could undermine law enforcement techniques that use criminals’ data traces to find and convict them. More research and international agreement in areas such as anonymity revocation are certainly needed to demonstrate this need not be the case even if we have privacy-friendly systems.
After privacy goals are clearly defined, we must identify how to reach them. The PIA Framework mentioned earlier is built on the assumption that a PbD methodology could largely resemble security risk assessment processes such as NIST or ISO/IEC 27005. These risk assessment processes identify potential threats to each protection goal. These threats and their probabilities constitute a respective privacy risk. All threats are then systematically mitigated by technical or governance controls. Where this cannot be done, remaining risks are documented to be addressed later.
As in security engineering, PbD controls heavily rely on systems’ architectures.2 Privacy scholars still put too much focus on information practices only (such as Web site privacy policies). Instead, they should further investigate how to build systems in client-centric ways that maximize user control and minimize network or service provider involvement. Where such privacy-friendly architectures are not feasible (often for business reasons), designers can support PbD by using technically enforceable default policies ("opt-out" settings) or data scarcity policies (erasure or granularity policies), data portability, and user access and delete rights. Where such technical defaults are not feasible, concise, accurate, and easy-to-understand notices of data-handling practices and contact points for user control and redress should come into play.
A challenge, however, is that system development life cycles and organizational engineering processes do not consider such practices. So far, privacy is simply not a primary consideration for engineers when designing systems. This gap raises many questions: When should privacy requirements first enter the system development life cycle? Who should be responsible? Given that privacy controls impact business goals, who can actually decide on appropriate measures? Must there be ongoing privacy management and practices monitoring? If organizations purchase standard software solutions or outsource operations, pass data to third parties or franchise their brands, who is responsible for customer privacy?
For privacy to be embedded in the system development life cycle and hence in organizational processes, companies must be ready to embrace the domain. Unfortunately, we still have too little knowledge about the real damage that is being done to brands and a company’s reputation when privacy breaches occur. The stock market sees some negligible short-term dips, but people flock to data-intensive services (such as social networks); so far, they do not sanction companies for privacy breaches. So why invest in PbD measures? Will there be any tangible benefits from PbD that justifies the investment? Would people perhaps be willing to pay for advertisement-free, privacy-friendly services? Will they incur switching costs and move to competitive services that are more privacy friendly? Would the 83% of U.S. consumers who claim that they would stop doing business with a company that breaches their privacy really do so? We need to better understand these dynamics as well as the current changes in the social perception of what we regard as private.
But research on the behavioral economics of privacy has clearly demonstrated that regardless of what people say, they make irrational privacy decisions and systematically underestimate long-term privacy risks. And this is not only the case for privacy-seeking individuals, but also for managers who are making PbD decisions for their companies.
Therefore, I appreciate that PIAs are suggested to become mandatory in the new European data protection legislation. However, they must be accompanied by a clear set of criteria for judging their quality as well as sanctions for noncompliance.
Most important, as this Viewpoint makes clear: PIAs need to be made mandatory for the designers of new technologies—the IBMs and SAPs of the world—and not just data controllers or processors who often get system designs off the shelf without a say.
Making PIAs mandatory for system designers could be a great step toward PbD and support compliance with the policies defined in Europe, in U.S. Privacy sectors laws, as well as the Safe-Harbor Framework.
Only if we force those companies that design systems, their management and their engineers, to embrace such process-driven, bottom-up ways to embed laws and ethics into code can we really protect the core values of our Western liberal democracies and constitutions.
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