Security and Privacy

It Is Time to Standardize Principles and Practices for Software Memory Safety

Twenty-one co-authors, spanning academia and industry, with expertise in memory-safety research, deployment, and policy, argue that standardization is an essential next step to achieving universal strong memory safety.

icons for standard business procedures

For many decades, endemic memory-safety vulnerabilities in software trusted computing bases (TCBs) have enabled the spread of malware and devastating targeted attacks on critical infrastructure, national-security targets, companies, and individuals around the world. During the last two years, the information-technology industry has seen increasing calls for the adoption of memory-safety technologies, framed as part of a broader initiative for Secure by Design, from government,2,4,14,18 academia,15 and within the industry itself.11,16 These calls are grounded in extensive evidence that memory-safety vulnerabilities have persistently made up the majority of critical security vulnerabilities over multiple decades, and have affected all mainstream software ecosystems and products—and also the growing awareness that these problems are almost entirely avoidable by using recent advances in strong and scalable memory-safety technology.

In this Inside Risks column, we explore memory-safety standardization, which we argue is an essential step to promoting universal strong memory safety in government and industry, and, in turn, to ensure access to more secure software for all. During the last two decades, a set of research technologies for strong memory safety—memory-safe languages, hardware and software protection, formal approaches, and software compartmentalization—have reached sufficient maturity to see early deployment in security-critical use cases. However, there remains no shared, technology-neutral terminology or framework with which to specify memory-safety requirements. This is needed to enable reliable specification, design, implementation, auditing, and procurement of strongly memory-safe systems. Failure to speak in a common language makes it difficult to understand the possibilities or communicate accurately with each other, limiting perceived benefits and hence actual demand. The lack of such a framework also acts as an impediment to potential future policy interventions, and as an impediment to stating requirements to address observed market failures preventing adoption of these technologies. Standardization would also play a critical role in improving industrial best practice, another key aspect of adoption.

This Inside Risks column is derived from a longer technical report published by the same authors, which includes further case studies and applications, as well as considering the potential implications of various events and interventions on potential candidate adoption timelines.18


For more than two decades, memory-safety vulnerabilities have consistently made up approximately two-thirds of critical security vulnerabilities in every major open source and proprietary software TCB, including Windows,21 Linux, Android, iOS, Chromium,5 OpenJDK, FreeRTOS, and others. These problems primarily originate from an existing multibillion line-of-code C/C++ code corpus that is difficult (probably impossible in practice) to entirely replace due to its scale. Of particular importance within this are the language runtimes of many type-safe and/or memory-safe programming languages, such as Java, JavaScript, and Python, which are often implemented in (or depend heavily on) C and C++.

Memory-safety vulnerabilities are particularly important because, when combined with network communications or other malignant data, they can enable an attacker to escalate (via a multistep exploit chain) to arbitrary code execution, operating outside the confines of the programming language.9 These vulnerabilities have proven impossible to completely prevent with conventional engineering, and are especially dangerous because a single error (perhaps one line in a multimillion line-of-code system) is sufficient to achieve total control of a vulnerable system.

Defensive techniques have not stood still—a series of incremental (and reactive) mitigation techniques have (in the short term) complicated work for attackers—but in the longer term these simply contributed to an evolving arms race with attack techniques that are able to bypass them.17 Despite countless hours of manual source-code auditing, and significant investments in static analysis tooling and fuzzing, the rate of memory-safety vulnerabilities has remained roughly constant for over two decades.

Mitigation and sanitization techniques frequently fail in the longer term because they are incomplete (for example, PAC or CFI, which defend against only a narrow range of attack techniques, or a limit set of vulnerability types identifiable with specific static analysis tools) and/or because they are probabilistic (for example, because they utilize secrets or keys that can be leaked or guessed, such as ASLR or MTE). These increasingly widely deployed techniques, which reflect current industry best practice in software TCBs, include those shown in Table 1.

Table 1. 
Current industry best practice.
Development-time techniques (static and dynamic)Automated static and dynamic bug findingCoverity and Fortify; fuzzing combined with dynamic techniques such as the Valgrind, ASAN, MSAN, and UBSAN sanitizers; subsets of otherwise unsafe languages that can reduce exposure to memory-safety issues, such as MISRA C/C++
Run-time techniquesSystems that handle violations of memory safety at run time, coercing them into fail stops, masking their effects, or limiting their exploitabilitySoftware-only techniques such as stack canaries, ASLR and CFI, and also hardware-enabled techniques such as PAC, MTE, W^X (a.k.a. DEP), and architectural “safe stacks”

Fortunately, the last decade has seen the maturation of practically deployable research technologies that have a realistic chance of breaking that arms race in favor of the defending side, introducing strong memory safety that non-probabilistically prevents a broad set of memory-safety vulnerabilities and attack techniques in critical software TCBs. Broadly, these technologies, now seeing early industrial adoption in software TCBs, fall into the four categories shown in Table 2.

Table 2. 
Strong memory-safety technologies.
Memory-safe and type-safe languagesFully memory-safe and/or type-safe languages; statically checkable safe subsets of otherwise unsafe languagesRust, Python, Swift, Java, C#, and SPARK, Ocaml—excluding code written in their unsafe fragments (for example, Unsafe Rust); memory-safe C++ subsets8
Formal methodsMathematically rigorous formal verification of memory safety, and broader safety/correctness properties for memory-safety TCBs themselvesMachine-checked formal proofs, in tools such as Coq, Isabelle, or Lean, of systems such as CompCert or seL4; formal verification of code in unsafe language fragments, such as RustBelt
Hardware memory protectionSystems that deterministically detect violations of memory safety at runtime, coercing them into fail stops, masking their effects, or preventing their exploitationCHERI C/C++ memory safety19
Software fault isolation and software compartmentalizationSystems that allow continued operation through privilege minimization despite effective exploitation of memory unsafety, limiting further rights and attack surfaces exposed to attackers. These systems are frequently built on the these techniques, and add the further ability to constrain attacks that have already achieved arbitrary code execution.Deterministic sandboxing using processes or virtual machines as found in iOS and Android, software-only techniques such as eBPF and WASM, and hardware-enabled techniques such as CHERI compartmentalization

This work has not happened in isolation: concepts such as hardware memory protection and type-safe programming languages have existed almost since the inception of computer systems. However, these current technologies are incrementally adoptable within current hardware or software stacks, and their growing maturity comes alongside an increasingly critical need for memory safety.

Industrial Best Practices and Market Failure

Universally deployed strong memory safety enabled by new memory-safety protection technologies presents a remarkable opportunity. However, our excitement is tempered by the understanding that it will require a substantial change in approach by an industry that may see little economic incentive to change the status quo—and, in fact, the real risk of market disadvantage in doing so.

Today, common industrial best practices consist of the widespread use of memory-unsafe languages and coding practices in even our most sensitive computing environments, albeit with some adoption of incomplete or probabilistic memory-safety mitigations such as those described in Table 1. Changes such as the widespread deployment of CHERI hardware, the Rust language, or formal verification are challenging in several ways. They would involve immediate (perceived or real) deployment or development costs, due to disruption of existing software ecosystems, and also (and more importantly) require vendors to potentially divert engineering resources from other areas of development—a high opportunity cost.12 Vendors see limited demand for security features, and can accurately observe that their work is consistent with current industry best practices—and that the effort required to improve memory safety would be more profitably invested in other areas of clearly expressed customer demand.

We argue that the problem of perceived excessive opportunity cost for key market actors reflects a market failure7: society, as a whole, pays an extremely high cost for memory-safety vulnerabilities,6 as well as taking on a very high risk as these vulnerabilities are present in essentially all critical infrastructure, national security applications, and systems protecting financial and privacy-sensitive data. The history of catastrophic failure associated with these vulnerabilities can be traced at least as far back as the Morris worm in 1988,a and many recent examples include ransomware spread13 or widespread denial of service3 originating from memory-safety issues.

This analysis is consistent with many other past economic analyses of security, in which negative security impact is an externality1 uncaptured by production costs, sales of products, or (beyond the short term) market cap. Vendors perceive a high cost (or opportunity cost) to adopting strong memory safety, but pay few of the costs of the consequences of not doing so, including aftermarket solutions, disaster recovery, and national security implications, with billions of dollars in damage arising from even a small number of high-profile incidents and data breaches. There may also be an element of moral hazard at play: the knowing, continued use of memory-unsafe technologies with serious consequences for both individuals and society may rest in part in a lack of liability for the impact of product defects.

We believe that some portion of this market failure can be attributed to incomplete information: consumers of products are unable to recognise or express the value of strong memory safety to the vendors, nor, currently, have confidence in the vendors reliably delivering strongly memory-safety solutions.

Enabling Business Processes and Market Interventions

A detailed analysis of this apparent market failure, and potential interventions affecting incentives, is beyond the scope of this Inside Risks column. However, we observe that a common requirement for many conceivable interventions (and a gap in current thinking)—for example, in regulating consumer electronics or in informing government procurement—is the ability to concisely express strong memory-safety requirements or guarantees in a technology-neutral manner. This becomes obvious when trying to imagine how one might:

  • Improve industrial best practice to utilize strong memory-safety solutions in all areas

  • Enable concise acquisition requirements that incorporate memory safety

  • Enable reliable and meaningful procurement of strongly memory-safe systems

  • Inform product liability legislation and insurance

  • Enable review and audit of systems for strong memory safety

  • Enable test and evaluation (T&E) for memory safety

  • Enable Common Criteria Certification Requirements to include lab-certifiable memory safety requirements

  • Enable subsidies, tax incentives, or other mechanisms to encourage the rapid adoption of strong memory safety

  • Support regulatory interventions to mandate the use of security best practices including strong memory safety in specific classes of products or use cases

  • Define safe harbor provisions in a potential software liability regime

We see a set of closely linked problems that must be resolved in order to lift industrial best practices, enable business changes (such as expressing strong memory-safety requirements during procurement), or support potential market interventions (such as regulation of critical infrastructure technologies to ensure use of strong memory safety):

  • Develop an intellectual framework that allows these diverse technologies and approaches to be consistently described, with their benefits and costs documented in common language that can be used in reasoning about potential use cases

  • Develop and document improvements to current industrial practices, based on these technologies, able to support the development and composition, of strongly memory-safe systems in a manner acceptable to industry

  • Enable the clear enunciation of technology-neutral memory-safety requirements facilitated by these technologies, and of improved practices for the purposes of acquisition, compliance, regulation, composition, and so on.

The Memory-Safety Standardization Gap

When designing, implementing, test and evaluating, certifying, and procuring systems able to resist attacks on memory-safety vulnerabilities, it is easy to imagine a broad range of desirable policies enabled by new memory-safety technologies and accompanying improved industrial best practices; for example:

  • A smartphone’s general-purpose OS and all of its network-facing applications must be implemented with at least non-deterministic data and control-flow pointer protections within five years, and strong memory safety within 15 years. Mobile device management (MDM) systems must support enterprises administratively prohibiting installation of memory-unsafe applications.

  • All datacenter TCBs responsible for isolating hosted government systems from each other, and from other customers, must be implemented with strong memory safety within 15 years.

  • All networking infrastructure (such as wireless access points) or cyber-physical systems where software interacts with the physical environment (such as automobiles or certain IoT devices such as smart locks, security cameras, smart thermostats, and so forth) shipped after 2034 must be implemented with strong memory safety.

  • Smartphones and IoT devices using machine-learning models on sensitive personal data, such as inputs from cameras, microphones, GPS, and other sensors as well as stored data preserved in order to answer questions must, by 2040, be strongly isolated using compartmentalization in order to preserve the privacy and integrity of the data, particularly from the large number of other applications typically running on the same device.

Today, however, there is no consistent and widely adopted means to signal these types of general requirements for memory safety, nor even specific choices (such as a requirement for deterministic memory safety).

Audiences for Memory-Safety Standardization

Two closely related goals of standards are to allow the clear and practical communication of requirements between consumers of systems and those providing or implementing them, and similarly allow those providing or implementing systems to describe conformance of systems to consumers. Important audiences for this work would include:

  • Those specifying requirements for acquisition (for example, U.S. DoD, U.S. GSA, U.K. MoD, and U.K. NCSC).

  • Memory-safety system designers and implementers (for example, the authors of Rust or OCaml, or those adapting operating systems to support CHERI).

  • Application software designers and developers (for example, the authors of Firefox or Chrome).

  • Industrial bodies specifying approaches and technologies to be used within specific sectors (for example, AutoSAR for automotive systems).

  • Government and/or regulatory bodies seeking to incentivize rapid adoption of strong memory safety, or limit the use of memory-unsafe systems through laws, liability, tax incentives, or other mechanisms

  • End system designers, implementers, and integrators (for example, designers of a smartphone product).

  • Test and evaluation (T&E), certification, and accreditation bodies (for example, Common Criteria testing laboratories, DOT&E, external security auditors, system integrators, and administrators).

  • Those educating future designers, engineers, and others (for example, those teaching computer science in universities, or [re-]training staff within companies).

Goals for Memory-Safety Standardization

We argue that standardizing memory safety is an essential step to widespread adoption of strong memory-safety technologies. Currently, those technologies are seeing early use in selected critical use cases in government and industry—especially in roots of trust and prototypes of more secure IoT or cloud infrastructure. Examples include the use of Rust in an increasing number of “from-scratch” software components, and Microsoft’s CHERIoT-Ibex processor seeing early deployment across multiple key industry players. We believe that there are multiple gaps, which this work would aim to fill through the development of both a technology-neutral framework for memory safety, and technology-specific mappings of that framework alongside guidance for their use:

  • Develop broad, cross-sector technical consensus on a practical systemization of strong memory-safety properties and a clear intellectual framework in which to explain their strengths and weaknesses, appropriate use cases, and so on. This would include classifying sets of technologies based on properties such as coverage of attacks, contributions to abstract memory-safety goals (such as spatial or temporal safety), being probabilistic/secrets-based or deterministic, support for compartmentalization, the potential need for total software rewrites or ABI changes, dependencies on new underlying hardware, potential costs in use and deployment, and so on. It would also explore the tension between design principles underlying memory-protection technologies (for example, definitions and implementations of topics such as “spatial safety,” “temporal safety,” and so forth) versus a vulnerability-oriented perspective (in which memory safety is defined in terms of known forms of memory unsafety).

  • Define best practices for the use of specific memory-safety technologies, with respect to this framework, such as when and to what extent dependence on unsafe Rust code is suitable within larger Rust software systems, guidelines on structuring such dependenciesto support compositional reasoning about safety, the uses of CHERI C and C++ that maximize safety, how to validate whether the implemented hardware-software stack correctly makes use of the memory-safety features, and so forth.

  • Consider the implications of composing multiple technologies, which will frequently be present in complete computer systems or products—for example, a C-language OS kernel and C++ language run-time (protected weakly by current mitigation techniques or more strongly with CHERI C/C++ in the future), and an application stack written in a type-safe and memory-safe language.

To be successful, we believe that a memory-safety standardization framework must:

  • Incorporate existing weaker protection technologies, enabling their specification while also making clear that they are points on a longer-term – and escalating – roadmap for memory safety. It is essential to recognize current industry leaders’ efforts in creating and deploying weaker but more accessible technologies within industry.

  • Focus on enabling approaches that are technology and vendor neutral, which will avoid hampering future procurement processes that require independent competing proposals. For example, a clear request for “strong memory safety” in a requirements statement might be satisfied by either Rust or CHERI C/C++ in a responding proposal.

  • Make clear the boundaries between industrial best practice and ongoing research to prevent premature engagement with still immature aspects of memory-safety technologies, reassure implementers that likely extensions to current strong memory-safety technologies will be incrementally adoptable, and lay out a long-term roadmap for future memory-safety technology improvements.

  • Establish tiered safety assurance levels to guide technology selection based on requirements and constraints, acknowledging their varying costs.

  • Provide distinct guidance for new systems and existing codebases, recognizing that different strategies may be necessary depending on the context.

Potential Structures for One or More Standards or Documents

It would be premature to try to fix the best structure for the results of this effort. It seems likely that it could include some combination of standards, engineering best practices, and/or technical reports written for a specific audience (for example, application software designers). However, we expect they should, in some form address the following:

  • Define, in a technology- and vendor-neutral form, a standard terminology and an intellectual framework for discussing and specifying memory-safety principles and impacts.

  • Define engineering practices in a technology- and vendor-neutral form, considering topics such as TCB minimization, interoperability with legacy memory-unsafe components to be deprecated or adapted to memory safety in the future, management of weaknesses or omissions in memory-safety technologies, identification of potential performance and/or power efficiency changes, composition of multiple parts utilizing different memory-safety technologies, and documentation practices aimed to support review and assessment.

  • Define, per-technology, engineering best practices specific to each technology (for example, for use of CHERI, Rust, and so forth).

  • Define a methodology for reasoning about the composition of multiple forms of memory safety within a single system.

  • Provide guidance on memory-safety T&E, review, and assessment practice.

Adoption Narratives and Timelines

A key function of this work will be to enable longer-term adoption narratives for memory-safe systems. Of particular interest to us are two classes of widely used systems:

  • Industrial best-practice systems utilize rigorous and engaged practices employed for commodity software at well-funded companies such as Microsoft, Apple, and Google in developing platforms for application writers. Today, these vendors are aggressively adopting memory-safety mitigation technologies such as ASLR and hardware-enabled cryptographic pointer protections.

  • Security- and privacy-critical systems reflect engineering used specifically for essential TCBs in mission-critical systems such as those that are used in critical and national infrastructure, defenses, and aerospace. Today, vendors of such systems are already engaging with selective deployment of strong memory-safety technologies such as Rust and CHERI.

We also differentiate new systems from legacy ones—it is easiest to deploy these technologies in the design of a fresh system, especially when new software ecosystems may be created, than it is to deploy them into existing ones. A clear challenge with this narrative is that entirely new systems are only built infrequently, and even where they could be written with a memory-safe language from scratch, they will be created within a large pre-existing memory-unsafe ecosystem that would also need to be migrated or have suitable interfaces created.8 To facilitate a gradual transition, newcomponents built with memory-safety technologies must be able to interoperatewith existing unsafe legacy components.

Candidate Timeline

Establishing potential timelines for adoption is challenging given the potential for enabling interventions of research combined with historically strong industrial reluctance to adopting disruptive technologies with less clear translation into concrete consumer demand. The candidate timeline shown in Table 3 has been developed based on what we see as realistic timelines given the state of the technology, combined with evolving thinking on potential interventions including the growing appetite for regulation of technologies that have strong impacts on personal data privacy, especially around machine learning, as well as in growing interest in software liability, which might help motivate improvements in industrial practice.

Table 3. 
Candidate timeline.
2018–2027 (current period)Industry best practicesIndustry leaders widely deploy probabilistic protection techniques such as ASLR and PAC in well engineered, non-critical applications and devices.
Security-critical applicationsNewly designed critical devices and software systems from industry leaders and national security system acquisition are adopting deterministic memory-safety technologies such as Rust and CHERI, and selected use of formal methods.
2028–2037 (coming decade)Industry best practices

Over the course of this decade, newly designed non-critical devices and software systems will increasingly ship with partial or complete deterministic memory-safety. The use of branding and certification schemes to clearly signpost less-safe systems as damaging to security and privacy; organizations increasingly require policy exemptions for use of memory-unsafe systems in more security-sensitive environments.

Legacy systems and applications continue to use probabilistic protection where it is economically infeasible to transition, but at potentially growing cost due to a shift in industry best practice leaving vendors open to product liability claims or regulatory problems. Component deprecation and support stoppage may act as force functions to retire legacy components.

Toward the later end of this period, it becomes reasonable for insurers to incentivise the use of memory safety, both with respect to software development (professional indemnity insurance) and software procurement and deployment (cybersecurity insurance), as well as for regulators setting standards for next generations of devices to require the use of strong memory safety

Security-critical applicationsNear universal adoption of deterministic memory safety in newly deployed systems by the end of the decade, with significant regulatory, acquisition requirement, insurance efforts to ensure memory safety in new systems, and to de-certify non-memory-safe systems.




Industry best practices

Near universal adoption of deterministic memory safety in newly deployed systems is achieved in this decade. Small pools of remaining non-memory-safety in long-lived products such as deeply embedded, non-network-connected devices; long lived legacy software stacks that must run only in highly protected environments that impose limitations on their casual use.

Successful completion of the long-term project to ground memory safety in formally verified designs and implementations increase confidence in strong memory-safety technologies, and in particular that their TCBs are vulnerability-free.

Security-critical applicationsElimination of non-memory safety outside of very small pools of long-lived, fielded devices, but with significant effort made to totally eliminate them as well. No new security-critical systems without memory safety are created during this decade.


We believe contemporary language-based, hardware-based, compartmentalized, and formal techniques for achieving memory safety are now of sufficient maturity to allow a path to be planned toward universal memory safety, the adoption of strong memory-safety techniques throughout all forms of computer systems. The timeline for such an adoption path is long—likely multiple decades—requiring the deployment of a combination of new hardware, software, and formal techniques serving different adoption paths and catering to differing tolerances for disruption. However, to achieve these goals, industry requires a clear definition of memory safety, accompanied by improvements in engineering practice.

Memory-safety standardization will therefore play an essential role in allowing requirements to be framed in design and procurement, engineering of systems to be tailored to those requirements, and suitable implementation to be auditable. Today, attempts to request memory safety in acquisition, regulation, or liability contexts would be hampered by a lack of a clear set of definitions and practice. Filling this gap requires building industrial consensus on technical approaches, but also a collaborative effort with government and academia to bring such effort to fruition. Despite the need for research to further improve aspects of these technologies, and especially to understand their composition, it is urgent that an effort to appropriately define memory safety begin as quickly as possible based on current technologies and understandings, to feed not just into research, but also improvements in training and delivery.


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    • 3. CISA. Widespread IT Outage Due to CrowdStrike Update (2024); https://bit.ly/41wUxXM
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    • 7. Kopp, E., Kaffenberger, L. and Jenkinson, N. Cyber Risk, Market Failures, and Financial Stability. International Monetary Fund (2017).
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    • 9. Meer, H. Memory Corruption Attacks: The Almost Complete History, BlackHat (2010).
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    • 13. NHS. Digital. WannaCry Ransomware Using SMB Vulnerability (2017); https://bit.ly/3Dg1xye
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    • 21. Weston, D. Windows 11: The Journey to Security by Default. BlueHat, IL (2023).

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