
Linux Patch Alerts Users of Outdated Microcode

Tom’s Hardware A Linux patch developed by engineers at Intel would identify PCs running outdated microcodes, informing users that their systems may be vulnerable. The X86_BUG_OLD_MICROCODE flag will identify if old microcode is being run on the CPUs, with Linux maintaining a list for most systems with the latest microcode versions based on Intel’s git […]


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Researchers Make Progress on 3D-Printed Electronics

Tom’s Hardware Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers developed a semiconductor-free logic gate that can be used for simple workloads. The fully 3D-printable logic gate features a biodegradable copper-doped polymer filament. Said MIT’s Luis Fernando Velásquez-García, “This could allow anyone to create smart hardware far from traditional manufacturing centers.” From “Researchers Make Progress on 3D-Printed […]

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