
NATO’s Emergency Plan for an Orbital Backup Internet

IEEE Spectrum The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) launched a pilot project in response to recent disruptions to undersea Internet data traffic. The goal of the HEIST project is to ensure that when underwater data cables are damaged, operators will know their precise locations in order to mitigate disruptions. The project also aims to expand […]


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Protecting Undersea Internet Cables Is a Tech Nightmare

The outages underscore how much of the global communications and financial system hinges on a few hundred cables of bundled glass fibers that are strung across ocean floors around the world, each cable about the same diameter as a garden hose.

AI Is Driving India’s Next Agricultural Revolution

IEEE Spectrum Several Indian startups in the agritech sector offer technology to help farmers improve output while saving money. Fasal uses IoT sensors to collect data on soil moisture, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, and humidity, which is fed into machine learning models with third-party weather data to make predictions about a farm’s microclimate. Custom-built […]

‘Lollipop’ Brings Taste to VR

IEEE Spectrum A lickable lollipop-shaped device developed by researchers at the City University of Hong Kong can simulate taste in virtual reality. The device contains food-grade chemicals embedded in agarose gel, which are transported to the surface of the device in liquid form when voltage is applied to the gel. The liquid mixes with the […]

AI Rests on Billions of Tons of Concrete

IEEE Spectrum The amount of concrete used in datacenter construction is challenging tech companies’ commitments to eliminate carbon emissions and bolster demand for green concrete. In response, an Open Compute Project Foundation-led initiative to speed testing and deployment of low-carbon concrete in datacenters has garnered support from Amazon, Google, Meta, and Microsoft. From “AI Rests […]

The AI Boom Rests on Billions of Tons of Concrete

Concrete is not just a major ingredient in datacenters and the power plants being built to energize them. As the world’s most widely manufactured material, concrete—and especially the cement within it—is also a major contributor to climate change, accounting for around 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Gamma Rays Can’t Stop This Memory

IEEE Spectrum Researchers at the U.K.’s University of Southampton developed a memristor that can measure gamma radiation and self-heal after exposure. The researchers developed a simple circuit that uses the amount of voltage necessary to set the memristor to measure radiation levels. After 30 days of being exposed to 5 megarads of radiation, the device […]

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